There has been lots of fun farmyard action this summer to keep Chi-Chi and Muffy occupied. Their pet ducks are now full grown and both boys are quite smitten with their special feathered friends. I'll take a pet duck over a puppy any day! Don't get me wrong, I love dogs, and have such fond memories of our childhood beagle, Barney. I am, however, happy to have any animal that lives outside the four walls of my home! Another creature to clean up after is not something this Mama needs right now (: We've had so much wet weather that the chicken/duck yard is pretty much a muck pit. Chi-Chi and Muffy don't mind at all, and are constantly "bonding" with Ducky and Lovey. It turns out we have two females - one Appleyard and one runner duck. We also have a male runner duck named Toyota.
We also have one new little baby chick on the farm, hatched by one of our broody mama hens. She's as sweet as can all baby chicks are. The boys teamed up and named her "Sunny Rainbow". Ah, I do love the hilarious names these two monkeys dream up. How cute is that? It's enough to melt my heart.
Yes, lots to keep up busy in these parts and still lots of summer days to savour!
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