Sunday 8 March 2009

A Spring Preview

Although we are in the midst of yet another dousing of snow and freezing rain, spring made a brief and much-appreciated appearance yesterday. We jumped at the opportunity to participate in a few “fair weather” activities including bike riding and puddle jumping. I was pretty tickled to see the mercury rise enough above freezing to hang a batch of freshly dyed wool on the line. A brisk sea breeze and a good dose of sun does the job in record time. I’m just itching to start working on a new project for someone very special, so the faster this wool dried the better!

As the sap starts to run in the trees, so do the ideas in my head. This limbo period between our farewell to winter and the arrival of spring is a time for thinking, planning, dreaming and anticipating.

Though our glimpse of spring was short-lived to say the least, it was just what we needed to get the enthusiasm flowing through our veins. I think we all caught a mild case of spring fever yesterday. Daydreaming of:

...spring chickens...

...and tasty garden beans...

...and a life free of hats, mittens, zippers, buckles and bulky snow suits! Thanks for the preview spring. We all look forward to the upcoming release of the full version!

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