Saturday 14 February 2009

Nest Eggs

With all the drab grey weather this past week, I felt all of us could use a healthy dose of color around here. What better place to look than my wool stash! Chi-Chi and Muffy are always keen to get their sticky little hands into my basket of multi-colored unspun fleece. I often find these two monkeys at the bathroom sink, up to their elbows in warm soapy water as they swish and squeeze their latest “felting” project. Today we pulled out the basket and created a couple of fun felted balls for their indoor hockey games. No pucks in the house please!!!

The Wool Fairy has been having her share of fun with the wool stash as well. I’ve been working on some woolly Easter eggs to add to our collection from last year. These eggs were originally intended to be Easter decorations, but were quickly snatched up by Chi-Chi and put to better use. They are a favorite in our household and never left the toy box, despite the passing of the Easter holiday. With all the backyard chicken talk and preparations around here, these eggs have served as the inspiration for a variety of interesting games and play scenarios. No word of a lie, Chi-Chi spent four long hours sitting on those eggs one day. He refused to eat, pee or move as he faithfully served out his nesting mother hen responsibilities. Thankfully, that game ended, despite the fact I secretly enjoyed a rare few hours of peace and serenity around here! Both little guys enjoy incorporating these fun woolly eggs into their counting games. With their numerical skills improving by the day, I figured we needed a few more in the basket.

These little eggies are so much fun to make, I may do up a few extra, so look out for them in my Etsy shop.

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