Saturday 1 May 2010

Celebrate Good Times!

Wahoo! It is a cause for celebration in our house. Yesterday marked the official end of tax season. Yipee! Yay! Yipee! (Did I mention I was excited). Although I wasn't the one who was burning the midnight oil, we've all missed Hubby during this busy time. Now that the deadline is behind us, I'm looking forward to a more regular and normal routine.

Hats off to Daddy for making a solid effort this year to get home for as many bedtimes as possible. Meals were a bit more tricky, especially with two hungry and growing boys who start hounding for supper earlier and earlier each day. Meal planning has definitely been a lot simpler during this busy time. I'm looking forward to getting back on track, trying out new recipes and enjoying the bountiful selection of fresh food from Taproot Farms- as a family. I've got a cabbage the size of a basketball in my fridge that I've been nibbling away at. I need that big strong man of mine to eat a good chunk of it for me!!

In anticipation of the return to normalcy around here, I spent a couple of evenings last week stitching up a fresh new set of place mats to add some fun and beauty to our family dinner hour. This has been on my to-do list for quite some time. Our faithful old set of mats has gotten pretty darn grungy over the last while. Quite frankly, they are really quite digusting and not very appetizing. Something clean and fresh was in order. I had been stewing over possible color and fabric combinations when I came across a few yards of a basic red and white checker pattern at Value Village the other day. I snatched it up for $1.99 and had enough to complete a set of eight place mats. I think they have a fun summer picnic feel to them. I appliqued a gnome friend on two of the mats to add a twist for the boys. This fabric was left over from Chi-Chi's quilt and both boys were quite tickled about their new mats. Chi-Chi exclaimed, "Mommy, the table looks so beautiful tonight!" I noticed that he, in particular, sat up a little straighter in his chair tonight and was on his best behaviour. He even gobbled up his full serving of nutrient-packed fiddle heads! A few simple touches including the candles and a vase of spring branches seemed to added to the warm and cozy atmosphere of our time together as a family.

I was so inspired by the mere thought of summer that I dug into my stash of frozen strawberries and baked up some stawberry short cake as a celebratory dessert. Yum! So much to look forward to in the months ahead!

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