It was both exciting and rewarding to witness the transformation of my hand-dyed skein into a unique and special piece of clothing for my little Muffy. The bright, playful colors are a perfect fit for Muffy, who is a bundle of bubbling energy and enthusiasm. I simply melted inside as I watched Muffy prance around the yard in his little sweater like a new spring lamb. I simply cringed as I observed him rolling around in the mud with it like a little piggy! I'll have to get over that I suppose!
I purchased this "Easy Peasy Sweater" pattern on line from Little Turtle Knits ( This is a great beginner project as it is knitted in one piece and it's all done in garter stitch. I've got another skein set aside, ready and waiting to be knitted into a warm earth-toned sweater for Chi-Chi.
I'm still dumbfounded that a few simple bottles of food coloring that I picked up at the Bulk Barn could produce such a rich, vibrant color scheme. I must admit, I'm not keen on finding culinary uses for my set of food dyes. It's actually frightening to think this potent stuff is deemed "safe" to ingest. Although I'm a true fan of bright colors, I think I'll pass on a rainbow inside my intestinal tract!
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