Wednesday 9 April 2008

Boys Will Be Boys

I’ve been fantasizing about this moment for months. The mercury finally started to inch its way up the thermometer this week. Being the conservative accountant type that I am, I feel it is only now safe to say that spring has arrived.

Over the last few weeks, we’ve spent far too many days cooped up inside due to stormy weather conditions and sickness. During this time, I devised an extensive list of “spring themed” activities for the family to undertake. To my delight, the weather forecast this week was full of sunshine and I was not disappointed. We flung on our rubber boots and headed outdoors to take part in one of Mommy’s fun-filled and educational activities.

I decided to introduce my young budding botanists to the miraculous life cycle of a plant. We grabbed an old bucket, a bag of potting soil and a handful of grass seed from the basement. Chi-Chi and Muffy enthusiastically filled the pot and not-so-carefully dumped in the seeds. They watered their dear little “garden” and we had an extremly brief discussion about how they would care for and nurture these seeds as they grew into plants.

I’ve been itching to clear up last year’s growth from my perennial garden. I decided to seize the opportunity to get my hands dirty in this beautiful weather. I grabbed a basket of cars to occupy my little companions while I set to work. Engrossed in my own activity, it was evident the kids were having fun as they squealed and giggled. I finally looked up to a rather messy scene. The lovingly planted “mini garden” ceased to exist. Chi-Chi was dancing in the earth, sock feet and all. Muffy was rolling around in it like a doggie. They gleefully scooped and carved paths for the cars and trucks. They spent a solid hour engrossed in this activity. Turns out I was able to accomplish quite a bit in my garden while the boys worked in their “dirt depot”.

Boys will be boys! That about sums it up!

1 comment:

Gypsy said...

Oh, that all sounds like lots of messy, boisterous fun!